


Frequently Asked Questions


What is financial aid?

经济援助是指赠款、奖学金、贷款和就业等形式的资金 to assist in paying for your college education. The two main types of aid are:

  • Merit-Based Aid: Usually a scholarship.
  • 助学金: Awarded to students who can show need according to a formula. The three types of need-based aid are:

奖助金: federal or state gift funds that do not have to be paid back. The three types of grants available at 十大正规网赌软件 are Pell 奖助金, SEOG and NMSIG.
贷款必须在一段时间内偿还的借款,通常在学生毕业后偿还 离开学校. 十大正规网赌软件参与了联邦直接斯塔福德补贴和非补贴 Loan program and the Parent PLUS Loan for Undergraduate Students.
勤工助学学生通过兼职挣来的钱,通常是在校园里. 基金 用来支付勤工俭学学生收入的主要部分 联邦勤工俭学计划或新墨西哥州勤工俭学计划.

What is financial need?

经济需求是指你每年的总教育费用(成本)和学费之间的差额 出席率),以及您和您的家人预计支付的金额 results of your Free Application for 联邦 Student Aid (FAFSA). The amount that 你和你的家人应该支付的费用被称为预期家庭贡献 (EFC). 每所学校的入学费用会有所不同,但EFC仍然存在 相同的. 你的经济需求因学校而异,因为费用不同.


What is included in the cost of attendance?
The cost of attendance usually includes:

  • Tuition and fees
  • Books and supplies
  • Housing and Meals
  • 运输
  • 贷款费用
  • Personal and miscellaneous expenses


Am I supposed to help pay the cost of attendance?

是的,基于需求的援助背后的原则之一是学生和他们的家庭 should pay what they can afford for educational expenses. This means that you will 你应该帮助支付你的学费,如果你是一个“依赖”的学生, your parents may also be expected to help.

How is dependency status determined?

你将被视为经济援助的受抚养学生,除非你满足 one of the following criteria:

  • Born before date specified on current FAFSA;
  • 孤儿,受法院监护,或自13岁起被寄养;
  • Veteran of the U.S. 武装部队;
  • Currently servicing on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than 培训;
  • 有法定受抚养人,其赡养费一半以上来自你;
  • Will be a graduate student during aid 一年 applied for;
  • Married before the date you complete your FAFSA;
  • Emancipated minor or in legal guardianship; or
  • 被认定为无家可归的无人陪伴青年


The FAFSA asks for previous tax 一年 income information. There has been an extreme change of income in my family. What should I do?

在收到学生资助报告(SAR)时,按要求回答所有问题。 你应该联系财政援助办公室并解释你的特殊情况. We may be able to assist you. You will need to complete the Special Circumstances 填写并提交所有必要的文件,以支持情况的变化.

How is expected family contribution calculated?

一个标准公式用于计算学生的预期家庭贡献. 你和你的父母,如果你是一个独立的学生,提供所使用的信息 in the formula by completing a Free Application for 联邦 Student Aid (FAFSA).

标准公式看的是家庭规模,人数,不包括父母, 谁上大学至少有一半时间,家庭收入和资产. 资产包括 现金、支票和储蓄账户、企业股票、投资和实物 estate, and in some cases, farm equity. Equity in the family home is not included. 根据这些信息,可以计算出预期的家庭贡献. 如果这个家庭 你的捐款不足以支付你的教育费用,这是由学校决定的 school, you may be eligible for need-based financial aid.

How do I apply for need-based financial aid?

你需要每年通过填写一份表格来申请基于需求的经济援助 Free Application for 联邦 Student 金融援助 (FAFSA), preferably by Feb. 每年14个. The FAFSA includes all the information necessary 以确定您的预期家庭贡献,如果您愿意,必须填写 be considered for any of the federal programs sponsored by the U.S. 部门 教育.

How do I apply for merit-based aid?
你需要检查几个来源来申请基于成绩的援助. 一个重要的 source is your high school guidance counselor’s office. Your guidance counselor will have details about many local scholarships.

十大正规网赌软件基金会提供了许多来自各种捐助者的奖学金机会. You can apply for a 十大正规网赌软件 scholarship here 奖学金. 下一学年的申请将于每年1月开始 一年.

There are various other sources you may want to check out. You should never pay a fee for a scholarship search! Other valuable scholarships guides are Peterson’s Guide and Lovejoys Guide. You may also want to surf the Internet. Check out the following 网站: www.fastweb.com or www.美国大学.org.


Yes, you must also meet the following criteria:

  • 是美国人.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen;
  • have a valid Social Security number;
  • 作为合格学位的普通学生入学或被录取 or certificate program;
  • 注册至少一半的时间才有资格申请直接贷款;
  • maintain satisfactory academic progress;
  • 在FAFSA上签署声明,说明你没有拖欠联邦学生 贷款和不欠钱的联邦学生助学金,你将使用联邦学生 aid only for educational purposes; and show you are qualified to obtain a college degree by having a high school diploma, a General 教育al
  • 高中毕业,获得发展GED证书,HiSET或已完成 高中教育:在州法律允许的家庭学校环境下的高中教育.


How will I hear about my aid eligibility?

如果你有资格获得经济援助,你将在你的学校收到一份奖励通知 十大正规网赌软件的电子邮件,告诉你在十大正规网赌软件获得的资助类型和金额. 金融援助 offers can also be reviewed in your 十大正规网赌软件 TBird Portal. 我们要求你拒绝援助,你不希望通过发送我们内部通知 two weeks using a Request to Cancel 金融援助 Form.

I find the financial aid process very confusing. Should I pay a fee to a company that specializes in financial aid?

小心那些收取服务费来处理援助申请的公司. 十大正规网赌软件的 Office of 金融援助 provides 相同的 service at no charge! Also beware of services that charge a fee to help you locate scholarships. Your chances are just as good if 你花时间在当地图书馆和高中指导下做研究 办公室.

What is the "Return of Title IV funds"?

教育部要求十大正规网赌软件的财政援助办公室重新计算 联邦财政援助资格的学生退学,被驳回 或者在完成本学期60%的课程之前请假. 联邦 第四类援助包括佩尔助学金、补充教育机会补助金(SEOG) and the Stafford Loan and the PLUS loan.

如果一个学生在本学期的所有成绩都是F,那么他也会被退回学衔 IV funds recalculation. The calculation will be based on the student's last date of 根据课程导师的报告,积极参加所有课程.

符合上述任何一种情况的学生将被退回职称 第四计算. 这可能需要学生偿还一部分联邦助学金 back to the 部门 教育 and/or the College.

I have heard NM residents may qualify for free tuition and fees. How does that work?

是的,符合资格要求的新墨西哥州居民可以获得州奖学金 称为NM立法彩票和/或NM机会奖学金. 为了找出答案 更多最靠谱的网赌软件这些基金的资格要求,请点击 在这里.